News Listings
Out for Comment - Penalty Units Amendment Local Law
The City of South Perth invites comments on a proposed Penalty Units Amendment Local Law.
Metro Central JDAP Meeting 18 July 2018
A meeting of the Metro Central JDAP has been called.
Coconut pots prove to be a success
The City has planted over 1,500 seedlings in biodegradable pots made from coconut husks.
Spraying of Weeds 30 July until 14 September 2018
Subject to weather conditions, herbicide spraying will be carried out on turf areas of parks, reserves and around buildings throughout the City from 30 July until 14 September 2018.
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 9 July 2018
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 9 July.
Lend a helping hand
The City has a number of upcoming volunteering events, simply email us to register your interest.
Entries open for the 2018 Emerging Artist Award
Entries for the 2018 Emerging Artist Award are now open.
Arts events and culture survey and competition winners
The City would like to congratulate the below winners who each received a prize for completing the City's 2018 Arts, Events and Culture surveys or entered the Arts, Events and Culture photo competition.
Synthetic turf
Media enquiry regarding the use of synthetic turf on verges.
Social media use
Media enquiry regarding social media use and policy.