News Listings
Seeking volunteers to establish Parkrun in the City
Expressions of interest are now open for people (volunteers) to nominate to assist with the establishment of parkrun at a suitable local park/reserve
New artwork unveiled at Manning Library celebrates ‘Wonders Inside’
Manning Library welcomes a captivating new public artwork by local artist and children’s book illustrator Chris Nixon.
Road works commencing 5 August at Talbot Avenue, between Saunders and Cale Streets
Road rehabilitation works will be commencing Monday 5 August 2024 at Talbot Avenue between Saunders Street and Cale Street.
Metro Inner DAP Agenda 24 July 2024
The agenda for the Metro Inner DAP meeting to consider a proposed child care centre in Como is now available to view.
Unveiling the Canning Bridge to Curtin University Bike Link
The newly completed Canning Bridge to Curtin University Bike Link introduces safe active streets, upgraded shared paths, and a pocket park for those who walk, wheel or ride each day.
City commits to replacing one of the Lake Douglas bridges
The City of South Perth has approved funding of $350k to replace one of the Lake Douglas bridges in the 2024/2025 Annual Budget.
Broadleaf weed spraying on parks and reserves from 16 July
Subject to weather conditions, herbicide spraying will be carried out in the City from Tuesday 16 July 2024.
Local artists set to inspire at City libraries this winter
Local artists David Ledger and Jessica Holliday were chosen to create two Live Art Studios in the City’s libraries this July and August as part of Evolve: Arts, Events, and Culture Winter Program.
Dedicated quiet space at South Perth Library
South Perth Library has transformed its eConnect room into a dedicated Quiet Working Room.
Weekly approved works 15 - 21 July 2024
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 15 - 21 July 2024.