News Listings
Traffic in South Perth
Media enquiry from the Property and Urban Planning editor at the West Australian regarding traffic in the South Perth activity centre area.
Meadowvale Reserve playground upgrades
The Meadowvale reserve playground at Ranelagh Cres in South Perth will be upgraded with works commencing Monday 28 May 2019.
Have your say on the City's draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan
As our population increases, we have the opportunity to shape the future so the South Perth activity centre continues to be a great place to live, work and visit.
Out for comment Amendment No. 61, draft South Perth ACP and draft policy P321
The City seeks public comments on Town Planning Scheme No. 6 - Amendment No. 61, draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan and draft local planning policy P321 ‘South Perth Activity Centre Competitive Design Policy’. Feedback closes 5pm, Monday 22 July 2019.
Connect South construction works: 13-26 May 2019
Connect South works commencing Monday 13 May.
Tender 3/2019 Provision of Ticket Machines and Parking Sensors - Supply, Install & Maintenance
The City of South Perth invites detailed submissions from suitably qualified contractors to submit tenders for the Provision of Ticket Machines and Parking Sensors - Supply, Install & Maintenance. Tender closes 2pm, Tuesday 11 June 2019
South Perth Station Precinct works: 13-19 May 2019
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for 13-19 May 2019.
2018/19 Arts events and culture survey winner announced
Congratulations to Julie who won the City's 2018/19 Arts, Events and Culture survey prize which was an overnight stay for two people at the new Quest South Perth Foreshore Apartments.
Connect South construction works: 6-12 May 2019
Connect South works commencing Monday 6 May.
Connect South milestone reached
A key milestone for the Connect South project was reached on Friday 3 May, with the installation of concrete footings for the weather protection canopies completed.