News Listings
Water Corporation valve replacement works in South Perth
During recent valve inspections in South Perth, Water Corporation uncovered a faulty valve on the corner of South Tce and Sandgate St. To reduce impact to road users and the community, the valve will be replaced and relocated on Tuesday 22 October to 11 November 2019.
Council election results announced
The City of South Perth welcomes Greg Milner as the new Mayor along with new Councillors Carl Celedin, Andre Brandis, Stephen Russell and Mary Choy. Ken Manolas has been re-elected for a further term.
Farewell and thank you
Mayor Sue Doherty says goodbye as she prepares to hand over to the new Mayor.
2019 Emerging Artist Award winners announced
Winners of the City of South Perth 2019 Emerging Artist Award were acknowledged at Thursday's opening event.
New cricket wicket at Challenger Reserve
Commencing Monday 21 October 2019, the City will be installing a new synthetic cricket wicket at Challenger Reserve, Manning.
City trials new tools to decrease emissions
The City has been trialling battery powered light plants at the Collier Park Retirement Village grounds in an effort to reduce emissions.
Annual pavement and road crack sealing program
Between November 2019 and January 2020, in accordance with the 2019/20 Capital Works Program, the City will complete an annual Crack Sealing Program to stop the ingress of moisture to the pavement below the bitumen surface and prolong the life of existing bitumen roads.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 4 October 2019
Minutes of the Metro Central JDAP meeting held on 4 October 2019 are now available to view.
Dan Murphy’s approval on Canning Highway
Response to enquiry from The West Australian/Community News.
City to celebrate Halloween with community event
For the first time, the City is celebrating Halloween with its own event, specifically for families.