News Listings
Please be mindful of snakes
Snakes are an integral part of the natural environment. With summer approaching, you may spot them.
Changes to Planning Officer availability from 4 November
From Monday 4 November 2019, the City’s Planning Officers will be available for general customer service enquiries between 9.30-10.30am and 3.30-4.30pm. Outside of these hours, Officers will be available by appointment only.
Connect South taking shape
Last week the final piece of the frilled neck lizard was installed as part of the City’s Connect South project on South Perth Foreshore.
Instagram competition to win an upcycled bag
WIN one of 20 stylish and colourful upcycled bags - perfect as a beach or shopping bag. Created by our friends at Activ, WA's largest disability service provider, the bags are made from the City's roadside event banners which were no longer needed.
Response to recent assertions related to the City's finances
Response to assertions contained in an advertisement in the Southern Gazette on 26 September 2019 titled “Is the City of South Perth going broke?” and repeated in the Paul Murray opinion article in the Weekend West on 28 September 2019.
Trial sees buses travel direct to Manning Hub
A new bus route is being trialled with Transperth’s Route 30 bus now dropping passengers directly at Manning Community Hub.
Severe Weather Warning
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather warning for Friday 4 October with damaging winds expected.
Local community groups preparing for Garage Sale Trail
A number of community groups have pledged to reduce, reuse and upcycle by being part of this year’s Garage Sale Trail event.
The facts on the City’s financial position
As Mayor, I want to reassure all residents and ratepayers the City of South Perth is financially sustainable and our position continues to strengthen.
Special Council Meeting Tuesday 22 October 2019
A Special Council Meeting has been called for 6pm, Tuesday 22 October 2019.