News Listings
Dog and cat registration reminder
Dogs aged over three months are required to be microchipped and registered. Cats aged over six months must be registered, microchipped and sterilised.
Library on-hold collection changes
South Perth Libraries would like to advise members, that from Monday 2 November the collection terms for items placed on-hold will change to seven days
Join the Aussie Backyard Bird Count
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is run by Birdlife Australia and helps develop an understanding of the common species that live where people live, providing a snapshot of Australian birds.
Council to consider Recreation and Aquatic Facility at November meeting
Council will consider the business case for the Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) at the November 2020 Council Meeting.
Rough Sleeper Count
The City is calling for volunteers who are passionate about supporting people affected by homelessness to take part in the Rough Sleeper Count.
Children's Book Week Storytime
Celebrate the joy of reading at our special Book Week edition of Storytime.
Weekly approved works 5 October - 11 October 2020
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 5 October - 11 October 2020.
Get Job Ready!
Get Job Ready at Manning Library with a one on one session to help you search and apply for a job.
New times for Mindeerup sound and light display
Until April, Mindeerup will be lit up at 8pm and 9pm, Monday to Thursday and 8pm, 8.30pm and 9pm, Friday to Sunday.
Hard waste collection begins 12 October
Please help us by placing hard rubbish on your own verge in separate piles – metals, whitegoods, mattresses, eWaste and general waste.