Draft Scheme Amendment No. 63 - Preston Street Neighbourhood Centre

Media Response 22 May 2020

Media enquiry

Can I please obtain comment from the City on the following?

  • Has a decision on Amendment 63 been decided on? If not, when do you anticipate this will occur?
  • If a decision has not been reached, will the City take on board residents concerns prior to reaching a decision?
  • Following the public consultation period, what were residents' main concerns with the proposed development for the site? What percentage of residents were in favour of the plan?
  • What does the City anticipate for this particular site? Would it be nice to see this precinct developed? Are you in support of high rises at this particular site?

Media response

 Please attribute the below information to CEO Geoff Glass.

Has a decision on Amendment 63 been decided on? If not, when do you anticipate this will occur?

No decision has been made on Amendment 63.  Council is expected to make a decision on the amendment at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 May. Council’s decision will then go to the WAPC and Minister for Planning for consideration.

If a decision has not been reached, will the City take on board residents concerns prior to reaching a decision?

A report that considers all of the submissions will be presented to Council. In response to the submissions received, a number of modifications to the draft Scheme Amendment are recommended to:

  1. Modify the maximum building height of Site ‘S’ from 13 storeys and 47 metres to 8 storeys and 29 metres
  2. Extend the amendment area boundary for Site ‘R’ to include No. 17 Preston Street, immediately west of the current amendment boundary
  3. Add additional requirements that ensure improved protection of light access, views and outlook from adjoining properties
  4. Clarify the distribution of buildings up to 8 storeys in height on Site ‘S’

A number of minor corrections/modifications are also recommended, as set out in Attachment (c) of the Council Agenda Briefing dated 19 May 2020.

Following the public consultation period, what were residents' main concerns with the proposed development for the site? What percentage of residents were in favour of the plan?

The formal public consultation resulted in over 270 detailed submissions. A copy of the Consultation Summary Report is available on the Your Say South Perth website.

Matters raised as a result of the consultation primarily relate to loss of local character, building height, increased traffic and parking demand and loss of amenity arising from overshadowing, loss of views or loss of privacy.  Supporting submissions expressed the potential for the amendment to revitalise or improve the area.

What does the City anticipate for this particular site? Would it be nice to see this precinct developed? Are you in support of high rises at this particular site?

A Scheme Amendment does not specify what is to be constructed at a location. What will be constructed at any location within the Scheme Amendment area is determined under a Development Application, which is a separate process and subject to its own public advertising.

Submissions from the community indicated that there is support for the development of the area and the major landowners in the precinct also wish to redevelop.

Council will make its determination on the height when considering this matter on 26 May.


Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.