News Listings
Weekly approved works 23-29 August 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 23-29 August 2021.
Weed Control Treatment
Subject to weather conditions, contract weed control treatments will be carried out on all footpaths, cycle ways, drainage sumps and kerb lines within the City of South Perth from 23 August 2021, commencing in the Manning Ward.
Weekly approved works 16-22 August 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 16-22August 2021.
Are you considering nominating for Council?
A candidate information session will be held at 6pm on Thursday 26 August. The session will provide an overview of the roles and responsibilities of Elected Members and the nomination and election process.
Interested in making a valuable contribution to the City?
The City is seeking Expressions of Interest from experienced members of the community to join its Audit, Risk and Governance and Property Committees. EOIs close 4pm, Friday 27 August 2021.
Have your say on the Public Benefit Contribution Project List
The Public Benefit Contribution Plan identifies potential projects that a developer could contribute towards as part of a significant Development Application within the South Perth Activity Centre Plan area.
Local government election 2021 - close of enrolments
You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 16 October 2021. Enrolments close 5pm, Friday 27 August 2021.
Ex-Bo 2021 at Box Gallery, Manning
A new exhibition titled Ex-Bo 2021 has opened at Box Gallery, Manning and will be on display to the community until 6 November 2021.
Spring green waste collection
The next spring green waste collection kicks off on Monday 30 August 2021. Items must be placed neatly on the verge by 7am on the scheduled start date for your area.
Get Job Ready with Alison Bannister
The City's libraries are excited to welcome Alison Bannister to share her tips and tricks for seeking work and maximising the chances of gaining employment.