Share your thoughts on the Integrated Transport Plan!
We’re developing our first Integrated Transport Plan to guide transport connections in and around the City over the next ten years.
The draft Plan focuses on five key areas – active travel like walking and cycling, public transport, road transport, parking and public spaces. It plans for walkable neighbourhoods, a well connected cycling network, and coordinated, efficient public transport.
With our population projected to grow to over 65,000 by 2041, we need to look at the way we travel and reduce our reliance on private vehicles.
The Integrated Transport Plan aligns with the City’s Parking Strategy which provides a long-term plan for the provision and management of parking within the City.
The actions within the Plan are either City-wide or location specific. Seven activity nodes are identified - South Perth Peninsula, Canning Highway, Angelo Street, Preston Street, Canning Bridge Activity Centre, Karawara, and Waterford-Salter Point.
The draft Plan has been developed by incorporating research and stakeholder feedback from a number of major planning, transport and parking projects.
Take a look at the draft Plan and ask us a question or tell us what you think at
Feedback closes 4pm, Tuesday 8 June 2021
By 2050 the population of the greater Perth region is expected to grow to 3.5 million. We’re planning for our share of this population growth through place-based plans that integrate transport planning and local economic development with land use and we’ve called this our Thriving Neighbourhoods project.
The Integrated Transport Plan forms part of this project along with the Economic Development Plan and Local Planning Scheme 7. The three plans work together to enable the City to manage growth.
The Thriving Neighbourhoods project supports the City’s vision as set out in the Strategic Community Plan 2020 - 2030 - a city of active places and beautiful spaces. It aligns with Strategic Direction: Environment (Built and Natural) which identifies the following strategies/outcomes:
- Connected and accessible City
- Sustainable built form
- Enhanced environment and open spaces
- Resource management and climate change.
For more information, visit the Thriving neighbourhoods page.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
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