Karawara Vision
The Karawara Public Open Space Masterplan and Collaborative Action Plan incorporates 14 projects that aim to strengthen Karawara’s public open space and community character.
Since implementation of the Masterplan commenced in 2013, the majority of project actions have been addressed. The only remaining actions are for a wayfinding strategy to be designed and implemented through the Pedestrian Access Ways (PAWs) and to investigate and trial the installation of permeable fencing along rear property boundaries.
Public Access Way closure
At its December 2020 meeting, Council considered a petition with 11 signatures requesting the closure of a PAW located between Yallambee Place and Koolunda Court, Karawara (a site plan is available here). It was resolved to progress the closure of this PAW in 2021. The Council report and resolution is available on the Council Meetings page.
The City has further investigated the proposed closure in accordance with Option B of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) guidelines - PAW closure where there is no endorsed pedestrian and cycle access plan.
Option B requires the preparation of a closure report that considers:
- How the PAW forms part of the surrounding movement network
- The location and access to community facilities from the PAW and the surrounding path network
- The location of existing infrastructure assets
- An assessment on the condition and use of other surrounding PAWs
- Stakeholder engagement comments received from infrastructure providers, agencies, abutting landowners and other members in the community likely to be affected by the PAW’s closure.
In developing the Closure Report, the City undertook the following tasks:
- A meeting in January 2021 with the Department of Lands to clarify the requirements to proceed with the PAW closure with a follow up meeting held in March 2022
- A Dial Before You Dig search in February 2021 to determine the location of infrastructure assets located within and, or on land adjacent to the PAW
- Correspondence with the City of Stirling in February 2021 regarding their internal procedures for PAW closure and lessons learnt in undertaking the process
- Correspondence and written request to Kensington Police Station in March 2021, to provide a statement describing local crime in proximity to the PAW, and to identify crime occurrence in the immediate area
- Preparation of a closure report which has been circulated to and comments sought from infrastructure providers and other agencies (i.e. Department of Communities, Western Australian Police) that may have an interest in the PAW
- Engaging with the community in relation to the closure.
The Council endorsed the draft Closure Report at its 26 April 2022 meeting, resolving the following:
- Request the CEO to submit the Closure Report to the Western Australian Planning Commission for determination
- Request the CEO to inform petition signatories and those who provided feedback on the proposal on the progress of the closure
- Prepares and adopts a Local Planning Policy on laneway closure prior to considering any further pedestrian access way closures in Karawara.
A copy of the Officer Report, Closure Report and council decision are available on the Council Meeting page within the minutes and attachments for the 26 April 2022 meeting.
The City has now submitted a request to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage for the closure of the PAW. Should the Department and Western Australian Planning Commission endorse the proposal, the City of South Perth will need to refer the proposal to Department of Regional Development and Land (RDL) State Land Services for processing under section 87 of the Land Administration Act 1987.
The role of RDL State Land Services is to give effect to the request for closure of the pedestrian access way under section 87 of the Land Administration Act 1987 and undertake formal sale and conveyancing of the subject land.
The Karawara Public Open Space Master Plan and Collaborative Action Plan was developed through significant community engagement, including informal workshops, Aboriginal community focus sessions, a pop-up discussion trail and drop-in events.
The vision for the project is ‘working together to strengthen Karawara’s public open space and community character.’
Project principles
- Building on Karawara character: Retain, enhance and actively build upon local spatial character attributes and seek to build upon the growing community capacity (pride)
- Connectivity: Seek to retain and enhance existing important linkages throughout Karawara and to adjoining suburbs
- Amenity: To incorporate amenity that reflects the landscape character and offers diversity of multiuse areas to foster community interaction
- Safety and security: Continue to build upon developing a safe and welcoming environment.
The purpose of the Collaborative Action Plan is to provide the community and stakeholders, in conjunction with the City of South Perth, an agreed project list that can be collectively implemented. The implementation of each project is based on timing and priorities that may also require specialists, either from the City or external consultants, to aid in the design and implementation of each project.
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- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au