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News Listings

April 2020

Young Writers Award - entries extended

News Update 21 April 2020

Don’t forget to get your entry in for the South Perth Young Writers Award. Entries have been extended until 4pm, Saturday 2 May 2020.


Words with Wine heads online

Library 17 April 2020

Join us for our first ONLINE Words with Wine event on Wednesday 29 April.


Libraries' pick-up service recommences

News Update 16 April 2020

The City’s Libraries have recommenced their hold pick-up service, allowing members to reactivate and place holds for items they wish to borrow via the Libraries’ online catalogue.


Digital library services

News Update 9 April 2020

While our physical library services have stopped we’re still here and working hard to bring the wonder of libraries to your homes in different ways.


Local children join global 'bear hunt'

3 April 2020

Local children in the City of South Perth are joining kids around the world on a global ‘bear hunt’ in a bid to beat boredom during coronavirus lockdown.

March 2020

Library loans to be extended

News Update 27 March 2020

South Perth and Manning library loans have been extended to 30 June 2020.


Hand washing song for kids

26 March 2020

City of South Perth librarians have created an original 30 second hand washing song that's easy for kids to remember to teach thorough hand washing.


South Perth Libraries closed until further notice

Library 25 March 2020

This does note include library online services, including ebooks, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, eLearning, research and streaming services, which are still operating as normal.


Library members can now access in demand items faster

Library 20 March 2020

South Perth Libraries have purchased additional BorrowBox e-resources so library members can access in demand items fast.


Delays to Kanopy streaming services

18 March 2020

South Perth Libraries has been advised there are some delays to the Kanopy movie streaming platform, due to an increase in server traffic.