News Listings
Read eBooks in different languages with Libby
South Perth Libraries provide eBooks in a range languages using the Libby by Overdrive service.
Express yourself with Spine Out eMagazine
Spine Out is a free bi-monthly magazine for 12-18 year olds, available through the eLibrary service.
Click: Be Connected classes are back at South Perth Libraries
The FREE sessions begin on Tuesday 10 November at South Perth and Thursday 12 November at Manning.
Get involved with Book Week
South Perth Libraries are getting in on the action with Book Week, which is running until Friday 23 October.
Library on-hold collection changes
South Perth Libraries would like to advise members, that from Monday 2 November the collection terms for items placed on-hold will change to seven days
Children's Book Week Storytime
Celebrate the joy of reading at our special Book Week edition of Storytime.
Get Job Ready!
Get Job Ready at Manning Library with a one on one session to help you search and apply for a job.
Join the Mind Lounge Ex-Bo at Manning Library
Join Kat Scarff and Louise Monday for a series of exciting craft workshops at Manning Library in October and November.
Calling for library volunteers
English Conversation Group sessions are held weekly at both South Perth and Manning libraries and we are looking for volunteers to help out.
Young writers recognised at SPYWA
The competition now in its 34th year, encourages excellence in creative writing and is open to all students from Year 1 through to Year 12 who live in, or attend school within the City of South Perth.