News Listings
Read Now, Listen Now on BorrowBox
15 new titles have recently been added to the simultaneous access section meaning there is no wanting for a selection of great reads!
COVID-19 update
Public health and social measures remain in effect for the Perth and Peel region from 6pm on 16 January 2022.
COVID-19 Vaccination Certification Information Sessions and Support
Attend our free information sessions and one-on-one support sessions to learn how to access, retrieve, print and save your Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certification.
Calling book lovers to join our book clubs
Share your passion for reading with like-minded book lovers by joining a book club.
South Perth Young Writers Award entries open
Entries are now open for the South Perth Young Writers Award.
Changes to access of Ancestry Library Edition
Remote access to Ancestry will end on 23 December 2021. Access will still be available on the computers at South Perth and Manning Libraries.
Printing unavailable at South Perth Library 6 December 2021
Printing service at South Perth Library will not be available. The service is expected to resume on Tuesday 7 December 2021.
Save these dates in your festive calendar
Christmas is fast approaching and there's plenty happening in the City to kick off your celebrations.
Your small business friendly library
Our libraries have recently expanded our collection of books and resources dedicated to small businesses, adding more than 150 in-demand titles to our small business section.
Join the club
From making friends to learning a new skill, there are so many benefits to being part of a club. A number of clubs and groups meet regularly at our libraries to enjoy activities like knitting, games and reading in a social environment.