Collier Park Village


Collier Park Village has a new owner and operator

Collier Park Village (CPV) has been transferred to Amana Living Incorporated. All enquiries regarding the village should be directed to Amana Living Incorporated

The history and transfer of Collier Park Village

Collier Park Village (CPV) had been owned and operated by the City for more than 30 years, offering independent living for those aged 55 years and over.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 March 2023, Council endorsed the Officer Recommendation to commence a ‘Request for Proposal’ (RfP) process for Collier Park Village (CPV).

The City invited experienced retirement village operators to present proposals to improve and enhance CPV, which closed on 30 June 2023.

The City evaluated the proposals and at its 31 October 2023 Ordinary Meeting, Council endorsed Amana Living Incorporated as the preferred future operator.

At its 26 March 2024 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to adopt the business plan for the disposal of Collier Park Village (CPV), pursuant to Section 3.59 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), for the purposes of public advertising. 

Disposal of CPV to Amana Living Incorporated is a ‘Major Land Transaction’ for the purposes of the Act.  In accordance with Section 3.59 of the Act, a Major Land Transaction Business Plan is required to be advertised to progress the transfer of CPV from the City to Amana Living Incorporated. 

The business plan has been prepared in accordance with section 3.59 of the Act and the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996. A copy of the statutory advertising notice and business plan are available.