News Listings
Emerging Artist Exhibition opens in October
Celebrating its twenty first year, the 2023 Emerging Artist Award exhibition will be open to the public from Friday 6 October until Saturday 14 October 2023.
Playground renewals 2023-2024
The City of South Perth has identified two new playgrounds; Swanview Reserve and Bill McGrath Reserve for renewal in the 2023/24 financial year.
Scholarships support local entrepreneurs
A partnership between the City and Curtin University has supported four local entrepreneurs, providing intensive education to trial and prepare business ideas for the commercial environment.
Old Mill closed 13 September
The Old Mill and Education Centre will be closed Wednesday 13 September.
Parking Bays Install Works - Forrest St and York St
The City is installing new parking spaces on York Street & Forrest Street, South Perth.
Old Mill closed 12 September
The Old Mill and Education Centre will be closed Tuesday 12 September.
'Wild About Babies' comes to South Perth
A group of giant animals have made their way to South Perth just in time for the school holidays.
Networking event for local businesses
Local business owners are invited to view the City's Emerging Artist Award exhibition, mingle with local artists and network at this free event.
Scribblers Festival Golden Feather Hunt now on
As part of the annual Scribblers Festival, there are feathers to find and great prizes to win at South Perth and Manning libraries.
Weekly approved works 11-17 September 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 11-17 September 2023.