The City is working to help support local businesses and the wider community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economic development is a new area of focus for the City and we are excited to start working more closely with our local businesses on a number of measures. Visit our Buy Local, Shop Local web page for more information.
The City of South Perth Local Community Response and Relief Package was established in early 20202 to provide immediate and ongoing support to our residents and businesses who needed it most during the first phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers local level assistance to stand alongside the relief plans already committed by the State and Federal Government.
The package includes a number of immediate short term initiatives and support measures including a Financial Hardship Assistance Policy to directly assist those impacted by the economic impact of the pandemic.
The City’s Environmental Health team is available to help local food businesses by providing advice in relation to the application of the latest State Government directions.
We have increased email and face to face communications with food businesses to provide advice related to additional hygiene measures.
The City is also facilitating working from home by relaxing the home based business regulations and requirements.
Hardship cases relating to rates and penalty interest, debtors, self-supporting loan repayments and leases will be considered as part of the City's Hardship Assistance Policy.
Fee support for tenants and licence holders currently operating within City owned and managed land and buildings may be available via the City's
Hardship Assistance Policy.
Works continue to progress the design of the
Manning Hub Phase Two project that will connect the commercial area of the hub with the community facility. Plans include streetscape updates and car park improvements.
Temporary exemptions to the Town Planning Scheme No. 6 are permitted in accordance with the Notice of Exemption issued by the Minister for Planning on 3 April 2020. The notice is in response to the current State of Emergency for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In summary:
Amendments to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 provide the Minister for Planning with authority to temporarily override requirements and conditions set out in a local planning scheme, and existing conditions in planning approvals.
This could include exemptions relating to noise or amenity restrictions that guide supermarket deliveries, waste and recycling services and construction activities, and take-away and retail delivery services among other locally driven compliance requirements.
Under the amendments, the Minister for Planning can issue a notice to suppress local scheme provisions for a single council, across a specific region or across the State.
The regulations also provide for streamlined advertising and decision-making processes. In this COVID-19 crisis, where strict physical distancing protocols are enforced, this provides for digital access to plans and safer means of public inspection rather than inviting community members to venture away from home and visit physical buildings.
Further information is available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Click here for the Exemption from Development Approval Self Assessment Form.
To assist new business, the City is seeking to introduce a policy that will remove the need for planning approval for new small-scale, low impact businesses that may open in the City.
Restrictions on loading or unloading times relating to the delivery of goods and/or fuel have been relaxed to assist in maintaining the continued supply of goods and fuel.