Annual Reports

Each year, the City produces a comprehensive Annual Report in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995. Each Annual Report focuses on the activities undertaken in the previous financial year and provides an overview of major initiatives that are proposed to commence or to continue in the next financial year.

2023/24 Annual Report

Our vision is a City of active spaces and beautiful places. Our staff take great pride in maintaining and improving the City's beautiful spaces. During 2023/24, we completed a number of projects to make our City a better place to live, work and play.

Some of the achievements highlighted in the report include:

  • Collier Park Retirement Village was successfully transferred to not-for-profit aged care provider Amana Living and $5.5m of funding was secured to improve changerooms and sports lighting at local sporting reserves.
  • Completion of the Canning Bridge to Curtin University Bike Link resulted in safe active streets in Manning and a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians parallel to Manning Road. 
  • Significant upgrades were made to Swanview and Bill Grayden Reserve Playgrounds and landscaping has beautified the reserves and bolstered ecological value. 
  • The Elderfield Wetlands Rehabilitation project concluded with 220 volunteers planting 13,300 trees to revegetate over four hectares of local habitat over a three year period.  

More details about the City's activities and performance from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 are provided in this report, measuring against the City’s Corporate Business Plan 2022/23-2025/26 and the Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031

The Financial Report is contained within this document.

Previous Annual Reports

Showing 21 - 23 of 23 results

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