Verge Side Collection

Residents in the City of South Perth will be provided with two green waste verge side collections per year (spring and autumn). Dates for the 2025 autumn green waste collection are in the table below. Spring green waste collection will be confirmed closer to the date.

Hard Waste Collection

There will be no hard waste verge collection this year as there are no contractors available to provide this service for our community. As we explore and evaluate new waste management options, stay informed by signing up to mySnapshot for the latest updates.

Green Waste Collection

Place your green waste out for collection neatly on the verge by 7am on the scheduled start date for your area (including public holidays). Waste should be put out no earlier than one week before the collection commencement date.

The City does not collect from:

  • vacant lots
  • commercial properties
  • rights of way and 
  • reserves or parks. 

2025 Green Waste Collection

 Stage Area Green waste
1Como Beach28 Apr
2AManning, Salter Point, Waterford5 May
2BWaterford5 May
3Como, Manning, Karawara12 May
4AComo, Kensington19 May
4BKensington19 May
5South Perth26 May 
6South Perth2 June

Click the map to enlarge

What is green waste?

The City will collect 3 cubic metres in total of the following green waste:

  • Uncontaminated green or garden waste
  • Tree prunings or branches with a maximum length of 1.5 metres

What is not green waste?

The City will not collect:

  • Lawn clippings and leaves – place these in your green lid bin
  • General junk, building or household waste
  • Tree trunks and stumps larger than 150mm in diameter or 1.5m in length
  • Dug out lawn
  • Treated wood
  • Plastic bags and boxes of leaves, weeds, soil and lawn clippings

Delays or unforeseen circumstances

The City endeavours to collect the green waste material during the week advertised, however it may carry over into the following week due to delays or unforeseen circumstances.

Obstructions/safety issues

Please do not:

  • Place waste next to trees, power poles, water meters, reticulation, walls, street signs or any other object
  • Obstruct the footpath or driveway, your normal bin services or the line of sight of pedestrians and road users.

If the verge collection is creating a safety issue or causing an obstruction, report it to the City.

My waste was not collected

If some or all of your items have not been collected, then the following reasons may apply:

  • Your items were not out on time
  • Collection included contaminated waste or
  • Collection exceeded three cubic metres.


 Missed collection

If you miss the collection, you can dispose of your waste at the City of South Perth Recycling Centre located on Thelma Street, Como.

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