Celebrating National Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Week, from 27 May-3 June, is an opportunity to build positive, respectful relationships between Australians.
It's also an opportunity for communities to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s cultures and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation.
The theme for this year’s Reconciliation Week 2023 is Be a Voice for Generations, encouraging all Australian’s to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our every days lives – where we live, work and socialise.
In celebration of Reconciliation Week 2023, the City of South Perth will display banners along Mill Point Road and Manning Road. The following activities will also be available:
Beeloo Riding Series
The City is supporting WestCycle and Djoona for a Beeloo Riding Series, from 6-27 May. Led by local Noongar Elder Joe Collard, the Beeloo Riding Series explores the Beeloo clan culture, language and history of places of significance between the Derbarl Yerrigan, Dootanboro and Changarro (Canning River) areas.
The Beeloo Riding Series is open for ages 10+ with a roadworthy bike and helmet.
Visit the Beeloo Riding Series website for more details.
Library Artist In-Residence
Noongar woman Fiona Reidy-Carroll will be our Artist In-Residence during Reconciliation Week at our South Perth and Manning libraries.
Fiona is from the Ballardong, Wongi and Wadjuk clans and is a passionate teacher and artist who enjoys sharing her culture. Aboriginal people are gifted story tellers and many of her paintings are about her people in the hunter and gatherer days, being nomadic people who lived by the six seasons.
Come and watch Fiona paint, have a chat about culture or art and enjoy her art works on display. Djinda Kaal is Fiona’s artist name in Noongar. It means 'Star Fire' and was chosen by her beautiful mother.
For times and details, please see our Events page.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au