City Services, Programs and Facilities

Updated 29 April 2022

Public health measures to mitigate COVID-19 will ease on Friday 29 April 2022. The modified measures now in place for certain City services, programs, facilities, events and situations are summarised below.


Mask wearing is no longer mandatory when entering indoor City venues or outdoor spaces; but is encouraged where physical distancing is not possible.

Venue Capacity Limits and other Restrictions

Indoor City venues (including but not limited to) George Burnett Leisure Centre, Senior Citizen’s Centres and Community Halls no longer have a prescribed public health venue capacity limit, so attendance shall be determined by the particular venue capacity only.

Outdoor City venues including parks and reserves no longer have a prescribed public health venue capacity limit (attendance shall be limited by the particular venue capacity only).

COVID Event Safety Planning

COVID Event Checklists/Plans are no longer mandatory, but are encouraged.

Proof of Vaccination

No longer required to enter City’s venues.

Checking In

No longer required to enter City’s venues.

Social Distancing

The 2 square metre rule removed for City’s venues.

Feeling Unwell

Anyone experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms should refrain from visiting community facilities or other premises. if people are feeling unwell, they should get tested and isolate until they receive a negative result.

More Info

Refer to the WA Government’s COVID-19 webpage for more information.

Return to COVID-19 page for more information. 

Return to the COVID-19 page for more information.