Expressions of Interest open for Mindeerup and Old Mill feature lighting

News Update 4 September 2023

Mindeerup (Min-dee-rup) is the gateway to South Perth and is located at the intersection of South Perth Esplanade and Mends Street. The Old Mill was bult in 1835 and is located in Melville Place in South Perth.

Both Mindeerup and the Old Mill are significant local landmarks that have feature lighting to provide a colourful visitor experience.

The feature lighting at both sites is programmable to provide promotional opportunities for eligible organisations to promote days of significance, appeals and associated events.

To make a feature lighting booking request, complete the online booking request form.

Application Process and Notification Period

An annual Expression of Interest (EOI) process will be undertaken by the City during 1 September and 31 October each year to invite lighting applications for the subsequent calendar year.

Following the EOI period, the applications will be assessed by the City and applicants will be notified of the outcome in December.

All other requests received outside of this period will be considered at the discretion of the City. Costs incurred for lighting requests that require additional programming will be passed on to the applicant.