Manning Men's Shed and Moorditj Keila bring Little Library to Manning

Library 31 May 2023
Libraries Library Thriving Neighbourhoods

In an inspiring community-driven initiative, the Manning Men's Shed and talented artists from Moorditj Keila's Craft Group have joined forces to create a charming little library.

The Little Library is now proudly installed in the vibrant Laneway at Manning Community Centre.

This collaborative effort aims to foster a love for reading, encourage community engagement and provide an accessible resource for book lovers of all ages.

Little Library provides a unique space for residents to gather, share stories and encourage a love for reading.

Local residents and visitors are invited to explore the collection of books available, from classic novels to children's stories, the diverse selection caters to a wide range of interests.

The 'take a book, leave a book' approach allows readers to contribute their own books, further enriching the library's collection and fostering a sense of ownership among the community.

For more information about the Little Library and other community initiatives, please see our Library page or visit us at Manning Library, 2 Conochie Cres, Manning.

Manning Library

2 Conochie Cres, Manning