New opening hours for Recycling Centre

Public Notice 28 July 2020

Please note the following changes to opening times for the Recycling Centre:

  • 8am-2pm, Wednesday to Sunday
  • Closed Monday, Tuesday and public holidays

To assist the City in reducing waste to landfill and increasing recycling, the following items are accepted at the Recycling Centre if they are separated from general waste loads:

  • e-Waste, including TVs, computers, monitors, printers, faxes, scanners and web cameras
  • Clean and uncontaminated cardboard, packing boxes, magazines, newspapers (no wrapping, polystyrene foam or similar)
  • Uncontaminated used motor oil (not contaminated with other petroleum products, coolants or similar) to a maximum of 20 litres per visit
  • All scrap metal including fridges, washing machines and microwaves
  • Fluorescent lighting tubes and globes
  • Household and vehicle batteries

As part of the annual rubbish levy, property owners receive three entry vouchers for the Recycling Centre each year. These have recently been sent to ratepayers with the rate notices.

For more information on recycling click here, or about the disposal of hazardous waste such as aerosols, paint and household chemicals visit the Waste Authority.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.