Approved Town Planning Scheme No. 6 - Amendment No.62

Public Notice 16 July 2020

Planning and Development Act 2005

Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available For Inspection - Complex Amendment

Town Planning Scheme No. 6 – Amendment No.62

It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with Section 87(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved Amendment No. 62 to the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme No. 6 on 22 June 2020.

Amendment No. 62 relates to land bounded by South Terrace, Fortune Street, Burch Street and Ernest Johnston Oval in South Perth. The amendment introduces specific development requirements to facilitate the redevelopment of the South Perth Hospital. The development requirements include: 

  • building height limits and minimum setbacks that define a building envelope for the site; and 
  • that a local development plan be adopted by the Council prior to the approval of any future development application to specify the detailed built form, access and parking requirements for the site.

For more information visit the Town Planning Scheme page on the City's website or contact the City’s Strategic Planning department on 9474 0777.

Sam Fagan, Secretary
Western Australian Planning Commission

Greg Milner, Mayor
City of South Perth

Geoff Glass, Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777