Keep your trees at bay

News Update 12 February 2020

A reminder to residents to keep vegetation pruned to allow safe access to paths and driveways for service providers, pedestrians and cyclists. 

Private trees or shrubs that hang over a resident’s property boundary, or over a pedestrian/cycle path, must be pruned back to the boundary line, particularly when they impact:

  • Driveways – to ensure vehicle sightlines are not obstructed when entering and exiting the property
  • Road kerb edges – there must be an unobstructed area at least 2m wide immediately adjacent to the back of the kerb where there’s no footpath, or 0.3m from a kerb edge where there is a footpath 
  • Right of ways and laneways – the entire width is to be kept clear to a height of 4.8m for vehicle access, in particular the City’s street sweeping and rubbish collection vehicles.

As well as passersby, organisations such as Western Power, the Water Corporation and Australia Post require unimpeded access to do their work. 

Vegetation image

The City’s Recycling Centre offers free large, reusable recycling bags with a capacity of up to 120 litres that can be used for green waste or recyclable material. Bags can be collected from and returned to the Centre during opening hours. Garden waste will be made into garden mulch, which is also available free of charge for City of South Perth residents.  

Autumn green waste collection is also coming up in May and June for residents. 

For more information, visit the Verges page on the City's website.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.