Canning Highway #ShapeOurPlace project update
A report outlining planning recommendations for future development along Canning Highway in Kensington and South Perth has been finalised.
Part of the City’s Canning Highway #ShapeOurPlace project, the report provides specific recommendations for town planning provisions required to facilitate appropriate medium density development along and within close proximity to Canning Highway and provide for an appropriate transition to adjacent low density residential areas.
The recommended actions included in the report, prepared by consultants TPG + Place Match, will be considered by the City and provide the basis for the ongoing planning of the study area.
The City is now preparing an access study and drafting a town planning scheme amendment and associated local planning policy based on the report recommendations. These documents will be advertised for community comment once the access study is completed.
The report is informed by a detailed assessment of the character of Kensington and South Perth either side of Canning Highway between Berwick St and Douglas Ave undertaken by the City in 2016.
This assessment identified various built form and other elements that contribute positively to the character of the study area. From this, seven key character elements were identified to inform the preparation of new planning controls to ensure that the anticipated future medium density development responds to the valued established character of the area.
Next steps
- Prepare an access study to support future development in the study area (second half of 2017)
- Draft town planning scheme amendment to implement character study recommendations (second half of 2017)
- Draft town planning scheme amendment open for preliminary consultation (timeframe TBC)
- Council to decide whether or not to proceed with the draft scheme amendment (timeframe TBC).
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