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Mobile Youth Hub Connects Karawara
Since the beginning of the year, Fusion, a not-for-profit youth and community organisation, has been visiting the Walanna Drive Green Space every Tuesday afternoon, providing activities and creating a positive space for young people.
Jessie Braun, Fusion’s Youth and Community Services Manager, says one of the key goals is to help young people experience community, safety, and security – and to know that they are cared for and have something to contribute.
She says Fusion’s Mobile Youth Hub, a ‘youth centre on wheels’, enables their team to be exactly where they need to be.
“There are a lot of young people in the area and a number of families doing it tough who we hoped would benefit from having a place to connect and spend time together.
“Young people, like anyone, just want to know how they fit in the world and that they’re seen, understood, and appreciated.”
When Fusion started these sessions, in partnership with the City and Lifestreams Karawara, the team immediately recognised the sense of connection between neighbours and community groups in the area.
Fusion’s youth workers have built on these connections and established their own meaningful relationships with locals.
Fusion Youth Worker, Matilda, says the team has already seen increased social connection between families.
“Parents from neighbouring families have started to have conversations with each other. Children have made friends who live close by, and other adults who pass through the area have often stopped to say ‘hello’, have some food, and comment on how positive it is to see kids playing happily in the park.
“Through consistently setting up our activities, we’ve seen a significant decrease in antisocial behaviour, and families now feel comfortable to allow their kids to come and play, knowing they will be safe, cared for, and will have something positive to do.”