Each year the City’s Environmental Health department runs a Mosquito Management Program during peak mosquito season. This aims to reduce breeding in salt marsh and fresh water areas.
The City needs your help to reduce mosquito numbers and to maintain a thorough control program. Mosquitoes trapped and identified are frequently fresh water species, suggesting that breeding may be occurring in local backyards. There are many simple preventative measures you can take to assist in reducing mosquito breeding.
Prevent breeding around your home
- Remove all stagnant water sources, such as pot plant bases, blocked gutters or containers
- Keep fish ponds stocked with fish
- Keep swimming pools clean and chlorinated or completely empty if not in use
- Scrub out bird baths and fountains and refill weekly
- Screen rainwater tanks
- Cut back foliage which may harbour mosquitoes.
Protect your home
- Ensure fly screens on doors and windows are kept in good condition
- Ensure sewerage vent pipes have a mosquito-proof cowl
- Cover rainwater tank inlets and overflow pipes with fly screens.
Personal protection
- Avoid exposure outdoors at dawn and early evenings
- Wear loose-fitting, long clothing outdoors
- Use a suitable personal insect repellent.
Residual insecticide barrier treatments
In November 2011, the City commissioned an independent review of the City’s Mosquito Management Plan by Mosquito Consulting Services Pty Ltd. A number of recommendations were made, one of which was for the City to provide advice to the community on the use of residual barrier treatments.
For residents experiencing a pest nuisance, including excessive mosquitoes around the home, the application of a residual barrier treatment by a qualified commercial pest control operator may assist in reducing insect numbers however, non-target species may also be impacted. A residual barrier treatment can be applied externally to buildings as well as to vegetation using high velocity air streams from motorised mist blowers. Any pests that land on the treated areas will be killed. A residual barrier treatment can last for three to six months.
For further information relating to mosquito control, please refer to the Department of Health website.