Cat Trapping Program


Roaming feral and domestic cats kill and disturb wildlife.  In WA alone, 36 mammal species, 22 bird species, and 11 reptile species are threatened by cats.  

Across Australia, cats have played a major role in the extinction of at least 27 mammal species and at present endanger 147 Australian mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs.  

The City’s Cat Trapping Program aims to protect native wildlife from roaming cats in natural areas on South Perth Foreshore. 

Traps are positioned along the foreshore where feral cats are known to be. 

The focus is on removing feral cats, protecting wildlife whilst also ensuring cats are not harmed. 

Cat trapping is undertaken by City Rangers in accordance with legislation and regulations, including the Animal Welfare Act 2002(the Act) and under section 52 of the Cat Act 2011.


Why is the City undertaking this program? Will cats be harmed when they are trapped? Can other wildlife become trapped? What happens to cats once they are trapped? What happens if the impound period has expired and no owner has come forward to collect their cat? What areas will be included in this program? Does the City have legislative power to undertake this program?