Climate Change

The City of South Perth is committed to addressing climate change. As custodians of the local environment and infrastructure, the City is actively working to understand the potential impacts of climate change, as well as taking action to prevent those impacts wherever possible. 

Climate change will affect many areas of City services including building, planning, environmental management, infrastructure, public health and community services. 

A strategic approach to climate change

The City is guided by its Strategic Community Plan 2020-2030, which includes two strategies (listed below) under the outcome Resource Management and Climate Change. 

  • Promote and implement sustainable water, land and energy management practices
  • Manage the risks associated with climate change and finite resource availability.

A review of the City’s Climate Change Strategy 2010-2015 was recently undertaken to ensure that actions remain current and based on latest scientific knowledge. The City has also undertaken a Greenhouse gas emissions forecast to establish emissions reduction targets.

Climate change risk assessment

In 2010, the City undertook a series of organisation-wide workshops to develop a risk assessment for climate change impacts. This trial project was a first in Western Australia. The purpose of the project was to undertake a review and assessment of the City’s risks in terms of the effects of actual or potential climate change impacts. The risk assessment formed the basis of the City’s approach to climate change, including its climate change strategy. 

Climate change flood risk and vulnerability study

Since 2017 the City has participated in a partnership project with Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council, the Department of Water and five other local governments, a part of which was to undertake a Flood Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of the City’s northern foreshore as well as the production of a Floodplain Development Strategy. 

This project provides the City with updated hydraulic modelling and mapping of the northern foreshore, with consideration of the effects of climate change. This informs decision-making and mitigation strategies for the use and development of flood prone land. 

The Flood Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report identified residential and commercial buildings, vulnerable institutions and public infrastructure within the City of South Perth floodplain that may benefit from increased protection and flood mitigation measures. This will facilitate the development of adaptation emergency response planning activities.

The City will use the information from the climate change risk and vulnerability assessment process to develop a climate change adaptation plan.

Interactive flood mapping information

A web-based interactive flood map was developed as part of this project to enable participating local governments, the State Government and emergency management agencies to have a greater understanding of identified flood risks. The flood mapping data set a firm foundation for Flood Risk Adaptation Planning for participating local governments and their stakeholders and enabled them to understand, quantify and develop flexible adaptation options.

Climate change reporting

The City is currently reviewing its sustainability reporting framework, which will inform the tools used to measure energy, emissions and water data. 

Flood Aware. Be Prepared

The ‘Flood Aware. Be Prepared’ campaign aims to raise awareness of the flood risks associated with the Swan and Helena Rivers in the communities within Perth's Eastern Region. For more information visit

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