Local Planning Scheme

The City of South Perth’s Local Planning Scheme No. 7 ('the Scheme') was published in the Government Gazette on 27 March 2024.

The Scheme sets out the zoning of land, permissible land uses, the scale of development and other important information relating to building and development standards across the City of South Perth.

The Scheme consists of Scheme Text and Scheme Maps which are to be read in conjunction with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 (schedule 2 – Deemed Provisions), which includes Deemed Provisions that form part of the Local Planning Scheme text.

The Local Planning Scheme Text and Maps can be accessed on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

View the zoning and R-Code for individual properties using our online mapping tool.

Milestone  StatusTimeline 
Milestone Council resolves to prepare a new local planning scheme StatusCompleteTimeline Council resolved to prepare a new scheme at its meeting of 27 June 2017. Minutes of this meeting are available here 
Milestone Council adopts a Local Planning Strategy StatusCompleteTimeline Council adopted the draft Local Planning Strategy in July 2020
Milestone TPS6 reviewed and draft LPS7 prepared StatusCompleteTimeline Draft LPS 7 prepared
Milestone Council resolves to advertise draft LPS7 StatusCompleteTimeline 


Council resolved to support draft LPS7 for the purpose of advertising at is meeting of 24 August 2021. Minutes of this meeting are available here.


Milestone Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) gives consent to advertise  StatusCompleteTimeline WAPC to review LPS7 and may require modification prior to public advertising.  
Milestone Community consultation on draft LPS7 StatusCompleteTimeline Advertising required to be for a period of at least 90 days.
Milestone Council considers the outcomes of consultation and makes a final recommendation on LPS7 StatusCompleteTimeline Council resolved to support draft LPS 7 subject to modifications at its meeting on 28 March 2023.
Milestone WAPC Statutory Planning Committee considers LPS7 and makes recommendation to the Planning Minister StatusCompleteTimeline 24 October 2023
Milestone Planning Minister issues final decision StatusCompleteTimeline 11 March 2024
Milestone LPS 7 published in Government Gazette StatusCompleteTimeline 27 March 2024