eBooks & Audiobooks
Enjoy free eBooks and eAudio on your tablet, smartphone, computer or ebook reader. Our collection of eBooks automatically expire meaning no more overdue notices.
Start by downloading the apps from the Play Store for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices.

BorrowBox is a collection of eBooks , eAudiobooks and eMagazines. You can borrow up to 12 books (6 eBooks, 6 eAudiobooks) for two weeks. You can borrow up to 10 eMagazines for two weeks. All back issue eMagazine loans do not count towards your loan limit, so you can download as many back issue eMagazines as you like.
Visit the BorrowBox website.
Visit our help guides and videos.

Hoopla gives you access to audiobooks, ebooks, comics, music, movies and television shows with over 925,000 titles to choose from. You may borrow 6 items per month.
NEW! Kids Mode feature with PIN protection for safer viewing for children.
Visit the Hoopla website.
Visit our help guides and videos.

Libby by Overdrive
Libby by OverDrive provides a large collection of eBooks and eAudio. You may borrow 10 items for up to three weeks.
Visit the OverDrive website.
Visit our help guides and videos.
Please note: Libby on Apple devices on a version less than iOS 10 is no longer supported. To work around this you can access Libby using a browser. The browser functionality is without many app features. https://wapldmc.overdrive.com

Project Guttenburg
Project Guttenburg is a collection of public domain eBooks. There is no library card or login required.
Visit the Project Gutenberg website.