A new way to attend library events

News Update 21 July 2020

Virtual events, online, live streaming and webinars, if these terms sound like another language, you’re not alone.

COVID-19 has changed the way we do a lot of things, including attending meetings and events.

If you are new to the world of online communications and events and would like to learn more or increase your skills and knowledge, South Perth Libraries are here to support you.

We use four online platforms:

  • Eventbrite – to book your ticket
  • MS Teams – to host the event
  • Culture Counts – to gather feedback after the event
  • YouTube – to post the video for a set amount of time after the event so you can re-watch or watch for the first time if you missed it

For more information please call South Perth Library 9474 0800 or Manning Library 9474 0822.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.