Save the date for Library Lovers' Day

News Update 16 January 2020

14 February provides an opportunity for professionals to showcase their libraries and for readers across Australia to express their love for libraries.

Organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Library Lovers’ Day is celebrated annually, involving hundreds of libraries and thousands of library users aiming to raise the profile of the services libraries offer. Australia’s public libraries provide quality information services that support lifelong learning.

South Perth Libraries encourage everyone to visit one of our libraries on this special day of the year, themed ‘uncover something new’. 

Find out about some of our special events and regular programs, and stay tuned for more news on what we’ll ‘uncover’ for the day via the Libraries page on the City's website.

Save the date - 14 February, and come and celebrate the library love with us at South Perth Libraries.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.