Annual Gross Pollutant Trap Cleaning - Kwinana Freeway

News Update 24 March 2025
Maintenance Works

Drainage maintenance works are planned to commence on the northbound lane of Kwinana Freeway, from Canning Highway on-ramp to Mill Point Road off-ramp, under the City’s and Main Roads WA drainage maintenance program. The City performs these works annually in conjunction with Main Roads WA guideline.

The City will be undertaking the works as follows:

Location: Northbound lane of Kwinana Freeway from Canning Highway on-ramp to Mill Point Road off-ramp (see map below)

Date: Week commencing Sunday, 23 March 2025

Duration: Approximately two (2) weeks, weather permitting, Sunday to Thursday between the hours of 8:00pm to 4:00am. The works are scheduled at night to avoid major disruption to high-volume daytime traffic along the Freeway and pedestrian traffic along the principal shared path. Please note the works may not be carried out every night during this period.

The northbound on-ramp from Canning Highway to the Kwinana Freeway will be closed for up to two nights to accommodate maintenance works. For the safety of both road users and maintenance personnel, please follow any detour or other posted signage and drive carefully in the area.
Equipment and vehicle movements may create noise for adjacent residents. To minimise disturbance to residents, an afterhours Noise Management Plan has been prepared and approved by the City of South Perth.

The works will involve:

  • Using hydro-excavation to clean out gross pollutant traps along the Swan River

The City makes every effort to reduce the disruption caused by the road works. Local residents will be informed about the works via a letter.

Find this location on Google Maps 

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.