Proposed Dogs Local Law 2025
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 10 December 2024 the Council of the City of South Perth resolved to make a new Dogs Local Law 2025 which will repeal the existing Dogs Local Law 2016.
The purpose of the proposed dogs local law is to make provisions about the confinement of dogs, control the number of dogs that can be kept on premises in the district, the impounding of dogs, regulate kennel establishments, and to require removal of dog excreta.
The effect of the proposed dogs local law is to extend the controls over dogs which exist under the Dog Act 1976 and Dog Regulations 2013.
The City invites comments on the proposed Dogs Local Law 2025.
Have Your Say
To view the relevant documents and to make a comment online, visit
Hard copies of the proposed local law are available to view during business hours at the City’s Civic Centre and City’s Libraries.
Written submissions should be made to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth, Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151 or emailed to
Submissions will be received by 4pm, Friday, 14 February 2025
Media contact
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