Wesley College Boat Shed Proposal

Public Notice 3 July 2024

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) is currently considering a proposal by Wesley College and Penrhos College to redevelop the boat shed at Coode Street, South Perth.

Given the land is within the Swan Development Control Area, the City does not determine the application. 

The original application was considered by the City, and a recommendation on the application provided to DBCA.

The applicant has since amended the plans, and a revised proposal is now out for comment.  To provide feedback on the revised proposal, visit DBCA's website.  

The City has prepared a statutory recommendation on the revised proposal and submitted this to DBCA.  View the City’s statutory recommendation to the DBCA

Following consideration of recommendations from agencies and public submissions, the proposed development will be determined by the Minister for Environment. 

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.