Road Rehabilitation Night Works - Canning Hwy and Ryrie Av Intersection

Public Notice 26 October 2023
Road Works


This road safety improvement project is being undertaken due to the crash history at this location as part of the Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) Blackspot program. The City will be undertaking night road works as follows:

Location: Intersection of Canning Highway and Ryrie Avenue, South Pert

Date: Week Commencing Monday 13 November 2023

Duration: Approximately 2-3 weeks, weather permitting, Monday to Friday nights between the hours of 7pm to 5am. Please note the works may not be carried out every night during this period.>

The road works will include:

  • Installation of new median island on Canning Highway that will prevent right turns onto Ryrie Avenue at the intersection and right turns out of Ryrie Avenue onto Canning Highway
  • Widening of the road at the left-hand turn from Canning Highway onto Ryrie Avenue
  • Replacement of ramps and footpaths to accommodate the new intersection configuration
  • Resurfacing a portion of the intersection to remediate the most critical areas.

Project Map

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the right turns being closed?

The City has received grant funding from MRWA to undertake a blackspot improvement project to prevent further incidents in this area. Closure of the right turn will prohibit potentially dangerous turning manoeuvres, improving safety and traffic flow on Canning Highway.

Why are the works being done at night?

The works are required to be undertaken out of hours due to the high traffic volumes on Canning Highway during the day. Conducting the works at night will prevent severe congestion of the surrounding road network and helps keep roadworkers safe. A site specific Noise Management Plan has been developed for the project in order to minimise the inconvenience caused by the works.

How will the traffic be managed during the road works?

Temporary lane closures and detours will be in place during the road works. For the safety of road users and personnel, please follow signage and take care when driving in the area.

More information and additional frequently asked questions regarding the City’s roadworks can be found on the road rehabilitation works page.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the City on 9474 0777 or raise a request.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.