Tree Pruning and Removal Works - David Vincent Reserve

Public Notice 19 September 2023
Parks and Reserve works


The City of South Perth will be pruning a section of trees in David Vincent Reserve. These trees will be pruned to ensure no portions of trees overhang property boundaries of adjacent homes (see map below – trees within the red section will be pruned).

Location: David Vincent Reserve, Kensington

Date: During the week commencing Monday 2 October 2023

Duration:1-2 days

The City will also be removing two dead trees within the same section. At least six replacement trees, Eucalyptus torquata (coral gum), will be planted along the edge of the mulched hydro-zoned area and not where the dead trees are being removed from.

Information about Eucalyptus torquata (coral gum)

Ornamental upright or spreading small tree to 8 metres with pink-red flowers winter through summer. Tolerant of extended dry periods and moderate frosts. Grows well in alkaline soils and tolerates some salinity. Useful windbreak and erosion control. Long lasting cut flower. Excellent small tree for smaller gardens.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the City on 9474 0777 or raise a request.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.