City's Local Planning Policies review commences
A review of the City’s Local Planning Policies (LPPs) is underway to align with State Planning Reforms and support implementation of the City's draft Local Planning Scheme No. 7.
Occurring over several stages, the review will help update the City's planning framework to support good planning outcomes for the community into the future
Stage one commenced on Tuesday 25 July 2023 at the Ordinary Council Meeting when Council resolved to:
- Revoke eight LPPs, which were reviewed and determined to be redundant
- Retain Policy P351.14 Cygnia Cove Residential Design Guidelines
- Modify two existing LPPs with minor changes which do not require consultation
Council also resolved to modify two existing LPPs which are now open for consultation:
- Draft Local Planning Policy - Design Review Panel
- Draft Local Planning Policy - Developer Contribution for Public Art and Public Art Spaces.
Feedback closes at 4pm, Tuesday 22 August 2023.
Find out more about stage one and provide your feedback at
Further LPP review stages will take place later this year and early 2024, and will include modifications to existing LPPs and the development of new LPPs.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email