2022 Backyard Bird Count results
Results of the 2022 Aussie Backyard Bird Count have been released by Birdlife Australia, with 69 bird species identified among a total of 5,307 individual birds recorded during Bird Week in the City of South Perth.
Details of the annual survey held in October last year showed:
- 89 observers participated in the Bird Count, submitting 186 counts, a slight decrease in participation numbers compared to 2020 and 2021, though the average number of surveys per person has increased year on year
- Participants submitted between one and twelve surveys per registered account – an average of 2.95 surveys per account
- Participants counted birds for a combined duration of 60 hours and 55 minutes
- Participants recorded a total of 5,307 individual birds during Bird Week
- 69 bird species were recorded, with the Red Wattlebird reported in 70.43 per cent of counts.
About the Aussie Backyard Bird Count
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is one of the largest citizen science projects of this nature in Australia. The project provides an opportunity for everyone, from school children, senior citizens, families and community groups to become scientists for one week every October.
With over 85 per cent of Australians living in urban environments with often limited opportunities to experience nature, the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is a great way to get outside and connect with nature.
We know more about our threatened birds than we do about our common backyard birds and the Aussie Backyard Bird Count helps to fill this knowledge gap, as well as increasing our understanding of Australian bird species that live where people live.
The next Aussie Backyard Bird Count will take place from 16-22 October 2023.
View the 2022 Aussie Bird Count report for the City of South Perth.
View the 2022 national species list.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au