Road projects to improve safety in Como and Manning
Two intersections in Como and Manning have recently been upgraded to improve safety for motorists and community members, including:
Labouchere Road and Alston Road, Como
A barrier/island was recently installed to help reduce crashes at this location, which was identified as an area of concern. The barrier was designed to improve safety by limiting right-hand turns to and from Labouchere Road.
Welwyn Avenue and Downey Drive, Manning
This intersection ranked high in terms of crash numbers, with five recorded accidents between 2016 and 2020. Four of the crashes were at right angles with vehicles travelling east-west or west-east and colliding with vehicles travelling on Welwyn Avenue. Three of the crashes required medical attention.
The traffic calming treatment was designed by the City, in consultation with Main Roads WA.
Both projects were completed as part of the City's Capital Works Program and received funding through the State Government's Black Spot Program.
See our Works and Projects page for more details about local road improvements.
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