City's next local planning scheme open for feedback
The City is asking for feedback from stakeholders and the community as it progresses its new local planning scheme. The draft Local Planning Scheme No. 7 (LPS 7) sets out how land is used and developed across the City of South Perth.
The draft LPS 7 will replace the existing Town Planning Scheme No. 6 and create a contemporary planning framework that will ensure the City continues to be an attractive place to live and visit.
Forming the basis for all planning decisions made by the City of South Perth, the draft LPS 7 proposes changes to zones and densities (also known as R-Codes) of properties in parts of the City that have been identified as growth areas.
The City is ensuring everyone has the opportunity to have their say by undertaking an extensive three month engagement process with a variety of ways and tools for the community to learn more and provide feedback, including a survey and drop-in information sessions to speak directly with the City’s Strategic Planners.
There is also an interactive map and series of online tools will be available to help stakeholders and the community understand how changes could affect their area. Feedback will be considered by Council in making a recommendation to the WA Planning Commission and Minister for Planning.
City of South Perth Mayor Greg Milner emphasised the importance of draft LPS 7.
"The draft Local Planning Scheme No. 7 represents a major milestone in planning for the future of our City as an attractive place to live, work and visit. It is a contemporary planning framework that reflects the demographics and evolving needs of our community," he said.
"The current Town Planning Scheme No. 6 was first gazetted in 2003 and even with multiple amendments over the years, it is now outdated and in need of review.
"LPS 7 affects the entire City. Proposed changes to zones and densities will allow our City to accommodate population growth and shape how our City looks in the future.
"LPS 7 is a comprehensive document, so we have made it easy to find what is relevant to you using an online mapping tool available on the Your Say South Perth website. You can check if your property is in a growth area and see exactly what the changes would mean for your land and its surrounds. The City’s planners have also made themselves available to talk through the changes with you at drop-in information sessions, by phone, email or by appointment at the Civic Centre."
The draft LPS 7 has been guided by the City of South Perth Local Planning Strategy which was adopted in 2020 as the strategic planning direction for the City over the next 10-15 years. It sits alongside the City’s Integrated Transport Plan and Economic Development Plan as part of Thriving Neighbourhoods: a plan for our growing City.
Feedback is now open at and will close at 4pm, Tuesday 29 November 2022. Printed copies of the survey are available at the City’s Civic Centre, South Perth and Manning Library.
For more details about how you can provide feedback, drop-in information sessions and the online mapping tool, please visit Your Say South Perth.
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