Finishing touches for Hurlingham playground
Work on the Hurlingham playground is almost complete, with finishing touches being added this week to provide play opportunities for children of all abilities and a bright new space for families along the foreshore.
The playground at the end of Hurlingham Road at Sir James Mitchell Park in South Perth was upgraded in 2021, however community feedback earlier this year prompted the City to install more inclusive equipment to make it accessible for all children.
Features of the additional work include:
- New play structure, with ramped access and wider play platforms
- Extension to play area
- Enclosed spiral slide
- Double slide landing on rubber softfall for better access
- Balance beam and vertical web tunnel for active play
New talk tubes and musical pipes for sensory play
Shade sails removed during construction will be erected after the winter storm season and there is still key access for the nearby Liberty Swing, which can be used with or without wheelchair.
For information or access to the Liberty Swing, please see our People with Disability page or visit Your Say South Perth to learn more about the Hurlingham playground upgrade and other City projects.
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