Garvey Street Park takes shape in Waterford Triangle

News Update 16 May 2022
Waterford Triangle
The once underused Garvey Street Park in Waterford is being transformed into a lively community space with outdoor exercise  equipment, table tennis, park furniture and a bird drinking station.

The City is planting 11,800 native plants to improve the landscape and provide food for native birds, including the endangered Carnaby’s Cockatoo.

A new laneway for vehicles and pedestrians is being built alongside homes on Manning Road to improve access and reduce congestion.

This will allow properties to face the park rather than busy Manning Road to improve community interaction and safety.

Over 90 per cent of the project is being funded through an Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant, as part of the City’s Waterford Triangle Local Development Plan.

The project is expected to be completed during the winter months. For more details, visit our Waterford Triangle page.

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