City helps deliver new courts at Como Croquet Club

Media Release 6 April 2022
Building works Maintenance Works

Two new playing surfaces were officially opened at Como Croquet Club recently, as part of a joint initiative with the City of South Perth.

The three-month renovation is a welcome upgrade for the State’s largest croquet club, which received funding from both the City of South Perth and the State Government under the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund program.

Mayor Greg Milner said the City, the Club and State Government shared the $57,277 project cost, as part of a three-way funding arrangement to help maintain infrastructure for community sport.

“The Como Croquet Club is the largest croquet club in the State, and has been enabling healthy outdoor activity, friendly competition and community camaraderie for almost 100 years – it’s a valuable part of the City’s leisure and culture,” he said.

“I’m delighted to see our community enjoying the new playing surfaces. The Club has a terrific group of members and an inclusive and welcoming culture, so these wonderful courts are open to everyone, from croquet veterans to people trying the game for the very first time.”

Mayor Milner presented the Club with the City’s contribution of $19,092 at its launch event on Saturday 26 March. 

Mayor Greg Milner with Como Croquet Club President Lachlan Millar and Vice President Alex O'Neil

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