CCTV installation and path light upgrades at Karawara Park Greenways
The City is continuing to expand the CCTV infrastructure and upgrade path lights at Karawara Greenways. These works will improve visibility and general safety of the area.
Construction work will commence on the week of 4 October 2021 and is expected to take approximately six to eight weeks to complete, weather permitting. Works will generally be confined to 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
To facilitate the works there will be occasional movements of construction vehicles throughout the Greenways that may present a hazard to the public and off-lead dogs. Please follow all signage and/or directions from worksite personnel. For the safety of the public, there will be on-site protection to prevent access to any excavations.
About the project
An extension of the existing CCTV facilities at the Kararwara Greenways is proposed by the City to enhance the security of the area. This is to be conducted in conjunction with an install of additional lighting infrastructure in the area to assist with security and enhance usage of the Greenways area.
The decision to install additional CCTV facilities was made by the City’s Community Safety Group in February 2020. This is in accordance with City’s CCTV plan which has identified these works as Stage 2 of the of the Karawara Greenways CCTV works.
Overall, the project involves the supply and installation of 12 new CCTV cameras and 4 new poles as well as the installation of new pole top luminaries, including 3 new poles. The new electrical and communications works are required to operate in conjunction with existing infrastructure as documented with the design drawings and specification.

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