Local Planning Scheme 7 update

News Update 25 August 2021
LPS7 Thriving Neighbourhoods

The community will be invited to give feedback on the City's next planning scheme, Local Planning Scheme 7 (LPS7). LPS7 will ensure the planning controls in the City are up-to-date and responsibly plan for growing activity and population. It sets the development requirements for land throughout the City, including zoning, density coding and building height limits and will replace Town Planning Scheme 6.

Council resolved to advertise draft LPS7 for community consultation at its 24 August 2021 meeting, with modifications to the draft scheme text and maps including reserving the public carpark on Burch Street for future civic and community uses.

Burch Street Car Park will no longer be considered to be advertised as Residential  R50.  Classification as a local reserve, civic and community provides for a range of community facilities which are compatible with surrounding development. It provides for public facilities such as halls, theatres, art galleries, educational, health and social care facilities, accommodation for the aged, and other services by organisations involved in activities for community benefit. 

In addition a special clause will be added to the draft scheme identifying car parking as a permitted use within the civic and community reserve.

A list of the modifications will be available on the Council Meetings page from close of business Friday 27 August 2021. 

Draft LPS7 will now be sent to the Western Australian Planning Commission for consent to commence community consultation. It is expected that consultation will commence in early 2022. 



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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.