Laneway brings new life to the heart of Manning

Media Release 28 July 2021
Manning Community Hub

A vibrant new community space has opened in Manning, marking the completion of phase two of the City’s landmark Manning Hub project. Manning Laneway has opened access between Welwyn Avenue and Manning Hub, allowing pedestrians to move between the shopping precinct and community facilities located at the Hub, including Manning Library. 

The laneway replaces an unused building that previously housed a deli. The old building was demolished and the space redeveloped to provide a welcoming community space complete with locally made street furniture including colourful seats and tables, energy efficient lighting and greenery. 

Shopfronts have also been refreshed as part of the project, with bike racks, upgrades to the carpark and new pavement giving a cohesive look and feel. Surrounding footpaths have been renewed and garden beds planted with waterwise plants.

The laneway officially opened on Wednesday 28 July 2021 with local business owners and community members coming together with the City to celebrate the milestone and share memories of the Welwyn Avenue shopping area.   

City of South Perth Mayor Greg Milner said the project would provide many benefits to the community.

“Manning Hub is an award-winning and much-loved development and the new laneway will allow more people to enjoy this vibrant community precinct.

“Manning Laneway is about making better use of public space by creating the kind of welcoming community places where people want to spend time. It’s about making an inclusive, family-friendly area for the benefit of local residents, visitors and the wonderful nearby businesses.

“The laneway has not only improved access to the area, but provided an inviting community space for people to take time out. It’s somewhere to sit and read a book from Manning Library, to enjoy a lunch break, or rest while shopping along Welwyn Avenue.”

The Manning Community Hub is a multi-award winning development that has created a vibrant and connected precinct in the heart of Manning. It includes the modern Manning Library, a community hall, Manning Child Health Clinic, Moorditj Keila Aboriginal Group, a sporting clubroom used by Manning Rippers Football Club, Manning Toy Library and Manning Playgroup association. 
The development received three awards at the 2019 WA PIA Awards for Planning Excellence, the Healthy Active by Design (sponsored by Heart Foundation), Great Place (sponsored by Urbis) and Minister’s Award and was nominated in the Great Place category at the national awards in 2020.
Manning Laneway is located on the corner of Welwyn Avenue and Conochie Crescent. 

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.