Celebrating National Tree Day
Year Four students from Como Primary School have planted over 100 native shrubs to celebrate National School Tree Day. This year School Tree Day is on Friday 31 August.
The students planted Kangaroo paws, Honeypot dryandras and grass trees in their Nature Play area, where they are creating a native shrub garden. The plants were grown and supplied by the City’s nursery in Como, one of the largest local government nurseries in the metropolitan area.
Como Primary School teachers Miss Walpole and Mrs McCague believe planting programs are important to help students connect with nature and improve wellbeing.
Unfortunately, the National Tree Day community planting event scheduled for Sunday 2 August has been cancelled this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, however people are still being encouraged to get involved by planting a tree, bush or shrub in their own backyard.
The City of South Perth is home to nearly 400 hectares of urban forest on private and public land, including trees and shrubs along streets and reserves and actively works to protect and enhance its urban forest. An Urban Forest Strategy was adopted by Council in 2018 to identify opportunities and manage the challenges of urbanisation, development, climate change and population growth.
For more information on the Urban Forest Strategy click here, or if your school would like to get involved in events like National School Tree Day contact the City on 9474 0777.Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au